Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Introducing Bacon and the Beast

We have two dogs; not a bear, horse, goat, or pig.  Sometimes it feels like we have all of that and more. We have taken to watching our dogs behavior and calling them other animals.

Zoie the St. Bernard makes noises that closely mimic those of bears and horses. Like a bear, she lumbers around slowly and clumsily, yet turns into an efficient beast very quickly when provoked.  Small children can ride her and she does a back step instead of turning around to move away from things, just like a horse.  She is small for a Saint, only 115 pounds and VERY un-St. Bernard like.  She drools less than our boxer, won't pull Kara on her sled, and isn't a cuddler. She is, in essence, a dobearorse (dog, bear, horse).

We didn't name Zoie because we adopted her when she was four. I don't think she looks like a Zoie because I think a Zoie should be little and well- behaved. She is quite the opposite of this.  We have adapted by giving her nicknames like any pet owner does.  She is referred to as Zoozoo, Zoolove, Big Love, ZhuZhu Pet, Beast, and Beastly One. 

Lilly the boxer is typical of all boxers; she jumps, makes bizarre noises, and has a lot of gas (especially when she eats bananas). When she was younger, I used to come home from work to shredded papers and chewed books almost every day.  She also has an unnatural craving for Ikea light bulbs. We don't understand it, but we will find bases of bulbs, and the glass portion simply disappears. She must be eating them, but she's never had a stomach problem, nor have they come out the other end. As with goats, there a trend that she will pretty much eat anything. Lilly is a tad bit overweight as boxers are not supposed to have fat rolls.  Included in her noise repertoire are some very convincing pig sounds.

Lilly was named after a character in the TV drama, Crossing Jordan, and her full given name is Lilly Bunkins Monkey McGruff Wall.  I also call her Lulu, Bunky Monkey, Bunker, BooBoo Girl, PooPoo, Fatty, and My Number One.  Since the fat rolls appeared, Kara has started calling her Porker and Bacon. She comes to any combination of these names as well as to Zoie, simply so she can get the treat first.

Stay tuned for crazy tales and tails of Bacon and the Beast.

--Lin and Kara

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